Thought Process
"Watching him during the first several minutes of his delivery, Cecilia felt a pleasant sinking sensation in her stomach as she contemplated how deliciously self-destructive it would be, almost erotic, to be married to a man so nearly handsome, so hugely rich, so unfathomably stupid. He would fill her with his big-faced children, all of them loud, boneheaded boys with a passion for guns and football and aeroplanes."

- Ian McEwan, Atonement
About Us
We are a group of Secondary 2 students who are conducting a research study on the communication gap between GEP and non-GEP students. Your help would be much appreciated. (L)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008 @ 8:18 PM
Survey questions!.

  1. What class are you from? ______
  2. Were you in the Gifted Education Program in primary school?
  3. Do you think that GEP and non-GEP classes still exist in our school?
  4. If so, do you think that you're in a GEP class?

If you were in the Gifted Education Programme in primary school:

  1. In terms of content, do you think that pupils in GEP classes learn more than pupils in non-GEP classes?
  2. In terms of speed, do you think that pupils in GEP classes learn at a faster rate than pupils in non-GEP classes?
  3. Do you think that pupils in GEP classes have a higher intellect than pupils in non-GEP classes?
  4. Do you think that pupils in GEP classes are more street-smart than pupils in non-GEP classes?
  5. Do you think that pupils in GEP classes are more talented than pupils in non-GEP classes?
  6. Do you think that pupils in GEP classes have a higher priority? For example, there are more pupils from the GEP than from the non-GEP in programes such as Odyssey of the Mind (OM) and the Science Mentorship Programme (SMP)?

If you were not in the Gifted Education Programme in primary school:

  1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you think pupils in GEP classes fare as compared to you?
  2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how linguistically affluent do you think pupils in GEP classes are?
  3. On a scale of 1 to 10, how linguistically affluent do you think you are?
  4. Do you think that the pupils who were in the GEP in primary school have an advantage (in terms of teachers and special programmes) over the pupils who were not in the GEP in primary school?

Questions for interviews with school management:

  1. Do you think that the GEP still exists in our school?
  2. if so, do you think that GEP classes have a faster speed of learning than non-GEP classes?
  3. How does the school management allocate the classes?

Ok, like finally done :D Edit it if you want. I'll print it out after Lyana tells me the introduction for the survey. Yay.

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