Thought Process
"Watching him during the first several minutes of his delivery, Cecilia felt a pleasant sinking sensation in her stomach as she contemplated how deliciously self-destructive it would be, almost erotic, to be married to a man so nearly handsome, so hugely rich, so unfathomably stupid. He would fill her with his big-faced children, all of them loud, boneheaded boys with a passion for guns and football and aeroplanes."

- Ian McEwan, Atonement
About Us
We are a group of Secondary 2 students who are conducting a research study on the communication gap between GEP and non-GEP students. Your help would be much appreciated. (L)

Monday, August 25, 2008 @ 9:12 PM

Title: The Invisible RGS Divide - Perception
Aim: Our RS Project seeks to identify and clarify the sources of the divide between GEPers and non-GEPers. We hope for the study to give insight to this great divide, in order for the school to resolve the issue of this invisible divide in RGS.

 Comparing different trains of thought
 Understanding the divide

i. Perception
 Imposed by comments of teachers
 Value judgement
 Background of GEP
 GEP entry through DSA

 Constantly make reference to GEPers and non-GEPers
 Comments made by teachers alludes the separation of GEPers and non-GEPers
 Implies that GEPers are supposedly better than non-GEPers

 Have cliques, and group segregation is present in a social context (GEPers do not mix with non-GEPers)
 Feel that there is a lack of interaction outside the classroom
 The mix of GEPers and non-GEPers is healthy, however, the lack of mixing is quite clear
 Amongst non-GEPers, there is a perception that GEPers are “smarter”
 There is also a perception that GEPers have more branded stuff (material possessions, which also shows the economic divide)
 Non-GEPers think that GEPers got in the easy way and think of themselves highly, because they got in through DSA

 Supposedly no longer anymore GEP in secondary school

i. Are the perceptions above shared by everybody?
ii. The GEP does not exist but yet people perceive it to be. Where is the source of this feeling?
iii. Is the perception actually by non-GEPers?
iv. If there are GEP classes, why does everyone take the same syllabus?

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Fuelled by skinny lattes, pistachio nuts and a little bit of imagination. |, contact us (if you dare)